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“Never Seen Before” Church Of England Clergy Demand Pay Rise For First Time In History

Post by : Hillary Musyoki

In nearly 500 years in history, Church of England clergy have demanded a pay rise, as the cost of living goes high in demand.

On Monday, the trade union Unite, which represents clergy and lay officers in the Church of England, demanded a 9.5% increase in the pay that clergy receive , to be paid from April 2024.

“The church of England has billions in the bank and can fully afford to pay its clergy the modest increase in their stipend they are seeking,” the trade union’s secretary Sharon Graham said.

A spokesperson from the church revealed that they were aware that its clergy were dealing with a cost-of-living crisis.

“We are mindful of this, and of issues of affordability for dioceses, in he deliberations over the annual recommendations for the minimum and benchmark stipend levels,” the spokesperson said.


Last year, the church set aside 3M pounds for dioceses to make grants to help clergy struggling with the cost of living.

The trade union Unite, proposed the clergy’s national minimum stipend rise to 29,340pounds and the national stipend benchmark be increased to 31,335pounds, it said.

“The proposed increase is necessary to start bringing pay back in line with inflation while addressing the most urgent hardship and anxiety faced by too many clergy and their families.”

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