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Post by : Ann Njambuya

Murang’a-Governor-Mwangi-wa-Iria who has cried foul and castigated the inspector general of police after his party mobilisers were denied entry into nyandarua county where they wanted to popularise mwangi's party and presidential ambitions.

The flamboyant governor of Murang’a county Mwangi wa Iria has castigated the inspector general police for what he claims are plans to derail  his presidential ambitions.

Mwangi while addressing the press on Monday indicated that his team of party mobilisers had been denied access into Nyandarua county where had sent them in a bid to popularise his party and his presidential ambitions.

The party mobilisers were turned back by the police who saw the move as a covid 19 containment restriction violations. in his part the fierce politician indicated that the police could have only done that with orders from above.

Mwangi said that this action was equal to the derailment and  belittling of his presidential ambitions saying that there is no little presidential candidate. other presidential candidates have toured the county of Nyandarua and they were issued with police escorts wherever they went.

The Murang’a governor said that this actions by the police were stop the region from fielding a presidential candidate in the upcoming general election where Mwangi reiterated that he is going to be on the ballot.

Murang’a-Governor-Mwangi-wa-Iria who has cried foul and castigated the inspector general of police after his party mobilisers were denied entry into nyandarua county where they wanted to popularise mwangi's party and presidential ambitions.
PHOTO: Murang’a Governor; Mwangi wa Iria during a past conference.

The businessman-cum politician shoot into the political limelight after winning the 2013 Murang’a gubernatorial race with a landslide.

Mwangi wa Iria seems to be enjoying grass root support mainly in Murang’a county where he has focused all his energy in farming and agriculture in general.

The governor  has in the past criticised the installation of national assembly speaker Justin Muturi as the Mount Kenya spokesperson. The speaker also has presidential ambitions.

Wa Iria has also ruled out the chances of a coalition in the past, a move that has left many political commentators in limbo.



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